Kuvat, jotka tekevät maailmasta vähän kauniimman

Eräänä päivänä koko maailman tuska tuntui kaatuvan päälleni. Heti aamulla katsoin hirvittävän videon, joka oli kuvattu keskellä Aleppon kauheuksia. Pieni lapsi oli kaivettu jostakin romahtaneen talon uumenista, kasvot olivat veriset ja tomun peitossa. Seuraavaksi Facebook-feedissä verkkokalvoilleni lävähti tietoa turkiseläinten tappamismetodeista.

Kyyneleet tipahtelivat syliin tahtomattakin, automaattisesti. Miten maailmassa voi olla niin paljon pahaa? Ihminen on ilman epäilyksen häivää maailman julmin ja vaarallisin petoeläin. Miten joku pystyy käymään niin raakaa sotaa viattomia ihmisiä, lapsia vastaan, jos pelkkä ajatuksin saa minut melkein tukehtumaan? Miksei kukaan voi tehdä mitään ja miksei tätä saada loppumaan? Miten joku voi olla sitä mieltä, että eläimiä saa pitää karmivissa oloissa kitumassa ja tappaa sen jälkeen täysin epäinhimillisillä tavoilla vain siksi, että ihmiset voisivat pukea ne eläimet päälleen? Millainen ihmishirviö voi tukea tällaista toimintaa saati tehdä sitä itse?

Siinä samassa uutisvirrassa vastaan tuli jotain kaunistakin. Sellaista, joka loi vähän uskoa siihen, että on jotain hyvääkin. Useat teistä ovat ehkä jo bonganneetkin eri medioista näitä Jade Beallin kuvia, mutta itse selasin näitä ensi kertaa ja ajattelin jakaa koskettavimpia teillekin. <3

Model call for brand new mums (in their first to second month post-birth) in London, UK for a continuation of the #10thmonth project. I am looking for brand new moms who would be comfortable posing semi nude (nothing showing, undergarments are good too) for a very empowering project, watch the video here: https://www.facebook.com/JadeBeallPhotography/videos/1038638149516991/ We are wanting: 2 mothers of African decent 2 mothers of Japanese decent 2 mothers of Chinese decent 2 mothers of Latin American decent Please help me spread the word! Models will receive ALL of the images we make and compensation. Models will have to come to a studio in downtown London for the shoot. email jade@abeautifulbodyproject.com if this is you! Photo of my beautiful muse Ashley and Shannon @mswrightsway

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"We are Lanette and Jim and we are both 64 years old. We’ve been married for more than 43 years. From the beginning of our relationship we have been best friends and lovers, and still enjoy a juicy, active passionate life. Many young people in our culture (including us when we were young!) think elders are too old for sex, and that elder relationships are dull and boring, devoid of love. Our culture portrays great sex and love and passion as the domain of the young. Only young bodies are beautiful. Now that we have arrived at “elder” status, we know that's not true! Even after 43 years together, we're still best friends and lovers. We still find each other attractive. We still love passion! When Jade did some separate sessions with Lanette during the shoot, I stood to the side and watched. I was blown away as I observed Lanette's sensuality, sexuality, and lovely beautiful body. She was awesome, the personification of female power, spirit, and beauty. And she is 64! During those sections of the shoot, she felt sexy and beautiful and desirable and at one with her body. We're so thankful to Jade to make this opportunity happen for us. We both felt a close connection with her, and appreciated her encouraging manner, her artistic direction, her photographic skills, and the level of comfort she created. For us the shoot was an empowering, freeing, energizing and completely awesome experience. We're so thankful she allowed us to participate in her project, and hope that our involvement can give people some new perspectives on elder loving, sexuality and sensuality." You guys.. . LOVE WINS. To see my uncensored work for this series check out the link in my profile and select the bodies of elders series. Thank you sweet powerful loves for allowing me to photograph you both and share your love.

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The beautiful Mariana ( I have shared her magnificence with you all before) from Brazil and her 10 day old triplets (triplets!) that I had the honor to photograph for the #10thmonth docu. "I have never been a mother," said Mariana as she proudly showed me her babies as we prepared for the shoot. "And now I am a mother of 3!" The after a second she added with a confused look on her beautiful and unbelievably rested looking face, "And I do not understand why I still look pregnant." I explained how the vast majority of new mothers have no idea that our bodies often change very slowly after giving birth, especially after having 3 humans within one's body. The "bounce back" story that we are told is the 'only' way to be simply does not exist for most of us. I shared how it's my life's work to change that secret: that our bodies look and FEEL different after birth and: THAT IS BEAUTIFUL AND WORTHY OF A PHOTO, bounced back, deeply changed, ALL of it worthy, beautiful and divine in the gorgeous diversity of our interconnected perfection.

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The strong, tender and beautiful Linda, mother of 2, writes: The fatigue of pregnancy calls for naps but gone are the days of the napping luxury in subsequent pregnancies; for there is now a toddler defeating sleep efforts. Though I was always tired and my eyes definitely showed it, I was fortunate enough to be able to continue CrossFit and kettle bell classes throughout my pregnancies. And though I looked ridiculous jump roping 9 months pregnant, body image was not my concern. As a nurse, and an inherently liberal person, bodies and nudity do not give me pause for concern. No, my self-consciousness was related to my fatigue and the sense that my face was not beautiful. I have been very grateful to Jade for her talents and kind energy; that she has the gift of bringing the beauty out of people and capturing it in art. And I am thankful that she captured my precious time of pregnancy and being able to breast-feed my babies. I love the bond it brings and seeing my babies grow from my own milk. I don't like the idea that others would not accept breast-feeding publicly and the idea that it will be shunned has given me anxiety but it hasn't stopped me and I've never had to publicly educate anyone. -Linda Thank you thank yo thank you Linda for having allowed me to make unforgettable times together. I have love for YOU.

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"In these photos of myself, I see my entire history and everything that brought me to this moment. I was born to be a mother yet I had a long and winding road to motherhood. I wish my body bore signs of all my struggles, of the challenges great and small, of my wins and losses, of the piercing pain and the ecstasy of love, but it doesn’t. Instead, my body holds space. It’s my strong and steady and my forever home. My body stands for and in LOVE and in your images I see a grace that I spent a long time looking for, the grace of a perfect and unconditional love, the grace of a mother. Thank you for showing me the beauty. I can get lost in the dark emotions of humiliation and shame and the not enoughs but these images are a stark reminder of all that is beautiful."

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1 Comment

  1. Wau <3!

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